What you’ll learn on this FREE training class:


How to identify an unprofitable advert within it’s first $0.50 -$1 of ad spend!


How to spend LESS money on advertising and actually make MORE profit!


How you can automatically kill expensive ads and scale winning ones - Whilst you sleep!

Russell S - Serial Entrepreneur

Martyn, I do not give recommendations lightly because there is an overload of the same regurgitated information in this market. However, you are the real deal and practice what you preach - and I recommend you in the highest regard. You are a massive contributor to both your software creations which help people save time and maximize their profit and in general with the people who are in your circles

Russell S - Serial Entrepreneur

Steve S - Facebook Marketer

Martyn is genuinely a great guy and super smart.  If it's not a killer life hack or Facebook strategy he'll whip up an Amazing piece of software out of nowhere.  Both of his Trust apps have made me and saved me thousands of dollars.  Life is who you know, not what you know, I feel honored to know and call Martyn a friend.

Steve S - Facebook Marketer

Saeed R - Investor / Marketer

Martyn is a class act.  Dependable, genuine, and one of the few guys in the internet marketing space that you can actually trust.  I've had several heart-felt conversations with Martyn and if there's one thing I can say about him is that he brings integrity to the table.  One of the good ones!

Saeed R - Investor / Marketer

Features, Partners and Publications:

Podcast 1
Podcast 1
Podcast 1
Martyn Coook

Martyn Cook - Entrepreneur, Marketer, Author & Life Hacker

Martyn has been advertising online for the last 10 years. With millions of dollars spent and multi-millions dollars earned across a plethora of niches, categories, and channels.

To date he has sold items spanning clothing to jewellery, gadgets to dog collars, books, training courses, software and so much more - each with its own uniquely subtle approach, leveraging social media and the advertising platforms within them.

In his younger years, Martyn built, managed and ultimately sold a social media agency that owned Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube communities spanning more than 20 million people.

Armed with his experience, enthusiasm and know how Martyn is primed and equipped to share the findings and strategies he’s uncovered in his own uniquely expert way.